Tug Boat Directions

Directions to Tug Boat at Lake Glen Haven in Louisa VA

**Please review the Directions before leaving incase your cell service is spotty when you arrive.**

*Driveway is paved, with a line of evergreens on the right. If the driveway is not paved, you are on the wrong driveway. The numbers 1694 are on a Red sign on the fence and on the Mailbox on the opposite side of the road.

Once you enter our driveway at 1694 Tisdale Rd, continue down .5 mile driveway entering the woods.

After passing the red "SLOW" Sign and going through the 2nd gate you will go up a small hill and see a few garages/sheds.

The road will turn to gravel and the Log Cabin is in front of you.

Please park to the LEFT as other guests use the road to the right!

Welcome! Please let us know if you need anything!